I’m exited about the next few steps to be taken in entrepreneurial designs, however, I think that a ‘personal’ journal is not what this particular Blog needs. I plan in the near future to move the ‘journal part of this blog over to a personal blog. Instead, in this location I will be placing a weekly (or more often if the opportunity arises,) article that relates in a general way to Entrepreneurs. Some of the topics that I would like to cover are:
- “Removing the Golden Handcuffs” – as inspired by a question from Everett Ruess to this Blog.
- “Doing.” – Inspiration from Guy Kawasaki.
- “Mentorship” – Thoughts and Ideas gathered from a group that I participate on a regular basis with.
- “Defining Vision” – Stemming from my deep seated belief that clearly defining a destination is one of the most important parts of effective goal achievement.
- “Accountability” – Discussions of various systems of accountability, with some suggestions on how to determine with is best for you. Some influence from Frank Bettger’s ideas in his book "How I raised myself from failure to success in selling" and my personal experience related to tracking / reporting progress in various forms. (including reporting to myself, and reporting to someone else.)
- “Attitude determines Altitude” – referring to keeping a positive outlook, and how a persons emotional attitude has a direct influence on how high or far they will go towards achieving their goals. Much like the physical attitude of an airplane determines the altitude at which it flies. With a discussion on how to maintain a permanent positive attitude.
- “Choosing reaction” – focusing on the fact that the one thing in this life that we have 100% control over is our choice on how we react to any situation. I would like to include a discussion on how effectively ‘controlling’ that choice in every situation can reduce stress, and provide for much more enjoyment of life, as well as actually provide more control of situation that previous to making a conscious choice on ‘how we react’ would have allowed.
- “Developing an attitude of continuous learning” – Discuss the advantages that continuously gaining knowledge presents. Present several ways to acquire such knowledge that can be incorporated into a normal lifestyle.
- “The benefits of Healthy Living” – Methods to get in shape, stay in shape and a discussion of some of the advantages of striving to live healthy.
- “Developing the Social, Physical, Emotional, Financial (or Temporal), sides of life.” – an essay on each aspect and how they inter relate, and how by increasing our ability in those areas, we can increases the overall potential of ourselves.
Well that is Ten subjects, which should give me ten weeks worth of articles. I think that this format will be much more beneficial to an audience at large instead of my ‘personal’ journey on my path to entrepreneurship. If there is an area that you would like added to the list, please post your suggestion here. After each article is posted I look forward to some discussing it here.
Wade Hone –out.