Saturday, November 18, 2006

The New Work Force Frontier - Level 20

Level 20:
What it is = The new Work Force Frontier.

What that means :
This is a company dedicated to utilizing the technology of today’s world to bring teams of people together who:

  • ...desire to get rewarded directly for the efforts that they put into their work.
  • ...desire to have ownership privileges of projects that they build.
  • ...are looking for a way to increase their income and their quality of life.
  • ...can see that the new frontier is the internet, and who want to be a part of the development of communities and marketing strategies based on that technology.
  • ...are comfortable working remotely.
  • ...can work well as a member of a team that most often will be separated by large distances, teams whose primary means of connecting with each other will be through the internet.
  • ...can work well as a member of a team that will most likely contain teammates that are culturally diverse, i.e. if you are an engineer on a team you need to be able to get along well with the marketing people, and marketing folks, have got to be able to communicate with and get along well with the engineers of the team, (and everyone has to love the accountants… because they need love too and… well… they help us all get paid.)
  • ...can use, or are willing and eager to learn how to use, modern internet communication tools to coordinate efforts with the teams that they work with, (most often, access to broad-band internet will be a requirement.)
  • well under a management structure that will most closely resemble managed projects. (i.e. project coordinators that plot out a projects development that is based on the completion of objectives or milestones by team members.)
  • ...can make realistic estimates on when work objectives can be completed, and then consistently deliver high quality results by those deadlines.
  • ...are exited by the opportunity of the great potential returns on time investments, and who are willing to forgo the security of a regular paycheck in return for receiving their reward that is directly based on how well that the project they helped to produce or market does in the market place.

Based upon the principle that the people that build a thing should get to reap the rewards of their creation, Level 20 seeks to provide the infrastructure necessary that will alow professionals, to designate how much time that they can allocate to a project, then become part of a team that develops and markets internet driven products and applications to the masses, and reap the rewards for doing that.

If that definition fits you at all, then by all means read on. (even if you found nothing in common with the preceding list feel free to read it as well.)

Here’s the preview… keep in mind it's a ruff draft:

Here are a few definitions to keep in mind while reading this document :

Green = Good – on target with budget and schedule (the norm.)

Yellow = Caution – possible delay is sighted or an overage on the budget becomes a possibility.

Red = Criticle Failure Eminent -In eminent danger of missing the deadline, or not meeting the expected quality requirements. Also red means that additional funding is required and will need to be allocated to this objective. (this will of coarse decrease the expected returns for everyone.) Red also means that failure in this area may require for the project to be placed on hold.

Placed on hold = all work towards the project is halted while feasibility and profitability are
re-evaluated. This would be executed to allow the architect and project coordinators to re design the project plan.

Inactive project = a project that has been placed on hold, and then has been added to an
inactive project list by the Supervising Architect. Personnel can then have their time freed up so that they are eligible to be re assigned to other more feasible projects.

In the event that a project goes to the inactive project list and later is placed back on active status, a provision * in project design document will explain how rewards will be determined for teams or agents who’s work from the inactive project that is used on the now active project will be awarded.

  • Level 20 Architects build a basic project idea, and a brief outline of a
    suggested reward program, and select a supervising Architect for the

  • Project Coordinators are selected by the supervising Architect to run a particular
    project or a portion of a project.

  • Project Coordinators work with the Supervising Architect to put together a project
    design document with time lines that estimate what positions / roles will
    be needed to complete the project and how many hours will be needed by
    each roll to complete the project on time.

  • Project Coordinators will plan a budget for the project.

  • Project Coordinators will work with the supervising Architect to refine the reward
    structure that will be offered to the team that works on the project.

  • The reward – will most often be
    based upon the direct result of the team members.
    • In other words, the Project Coordinators break down the project into
      milestones, and objectives that need to be completed.

    • Then the PC (Project Coordinator) assigns a priority to each objective:

      • Critical – the most vital parts of the project. These are the objectives that
        would be the hardest to replace teammates on or would severely cripple
        the project were they not completed with high quality and on time.

      • Normal – most objectives will have this status.
        These objectives are definitely important to the over all
        success, but have some flexibility on time lines or would be fairly easy
        to replace team members if the objective remained in a yellow status for
        very long.

      • Non Critical – These are the areas that would be easy to replace team
        members on if they went to a yellow status or are very flexible as to
        when they could be completed during a project.

    • The PC assign a value to each of the objectives.

      • The value assigned will be based on the objectives priority and based on the
        time estimates and budget that was determined in conjunction with the
        Supervising Architect.

      • The value assigned will be designated as a percentage of the return of what
        ever profits that the project generates.

    • The team or agent that completes that objective is awarded the predetermined
      value of that objective.

      • Bonuses will be awarded based on exceeding expectation.

      • Penalties will be subtracted from the assigned value and will be based on failed
        deadlines, or expectations not being met.

      • A penalty that was assessed to a team or agent will go directly into the
        bonus pool which is shared by those that exceeded expectation.

        • i.e. an agent completes an objective several weeks in advance of the
          deadline – based on the priority of the objective, the value of the
          objective, and the degree of exceeding the expectation a point value **
          will be assigned to the team or agent. (1-6)

        • i.e. a team is late on completing an objective and the end result doesn’t quite meet the expectation. – based on the priority of the objective, it’s value and the severity of the failed expectation a negative point value will be assigned to the team or agent. (negative 1 – negative 6)

        • Any penalties that were assessed to an agent or team will be added to the bonus pool for each objective that a negative point assessment was given.

        • The bonus pool is calculated as a percentage of the profits. The starting
          size of the bonus is defined in the design document.

        • To determine what amount of the bonus reward goes to which teams or
          agents, the point totals of each team are added up. The total amount of
          points that were awarded is considered to be equal to100 percent of the
          bonus pool. From there it is easy to figure up what percentage of the
          bonus pool every point is worth. Each team or agent then converts their
          point total into the percentage that those points represent, and then
          pool is divided up amongst the teams and agents based on those

    • If the resulting project is sold outright, then the profits of that sale are
      awarded as follows:

      • The gross value of the Sale of project result minus the expenses and minus a percentage of the profits (not to exceed 10%) that will be reinvested into the growth of level 20.

    • If the project result generates a continuing revenue then the profits of that continuing revenue are awarded as follows:

      • The gross Quarterly value of the revenue, minus the expenses that were used
        to complete the project (as a general rule the expenses should be paid off within 5 years, but the exact details of repaying expenses will be defined in each design document,) minus the costs involved in maintaining the project minus 10% of the profits which will be used to reinvest in the marketing and growth of the project itself and minus a percentage of the profits (not to exceed 10%) that will be reinvested into the growth of level 20. The proceeds
        will be awarded on a quarterly basis to the project teams and agents that participated in the projects creation.

        • If the continuing revenue project is sold, then the profits of that sale
          are awarded the same way as previously defined.

  • The Project Team is put together by the Project Coordinators. This is done by
    selecting members / agents that have indicated that they have available time commitments to allocate to the various roles that will be needed to complete the project. This is done by reviewing and interviewing members / agents of Level 20 and going over
    the design document with each agent or team lead. (Team leads determine how rewards will be distributed amongst his team…This enables contractors who reward their employees in a more traditional manor to participate. However the Team Lead does need to be a registered Level 20 agent designated as a team lead.)

    • During the interview process, the projected budgets, and time lines need to be
      discussed and agreed upon between the project coordinator and the agent or team lead. This part is very crucial. This is where Agents and Teams commit to meeting deadlines, and where expectations are explained and defined as well as the penalties and rewards for exceeding or failing to meet expectations are discussed and reviewed. This interview meeting needs to go over the same things that the kick off meeting goes over, except the focus should be more on the specific objective instead of the overall project.

      • The Supervising Architect should be consulted with on any major revisions to
        the design document or timelines.

  • If the needed personnel resources haven’t been met then the Project Coordinator would be responsible for utilizing the Level 20 resources to recruit new Level 20 agents to fulfill any roles that are not filled by existing agents.

  • Once the whole project team has been selected and everyone has been assigned to all of the objectives and agreed to the deadlines and rewards and penalties, then a kick off meeting is held.

    • In the kick off meeting, introductions are made so that the team gets to know who all is involved.

    • The overall project is reviewed and the desired end result is explained and reviewed.

    • The definition of success for this project should be defined in this meeting.

    • The expected rewards should be reviewed including what the expected sale amount and expected profit margin will be. Or it is going to be an ongoing revenue project then the expected quarterly income amounts should be reviewed.

    • each project objective is reviewed.

    • The entire time line for the overall project is reviewed.

    • Clear expectations are set, and agreed upon for each objective. This should be done in front of the whole team.

    • The reward system for the project is reviewed.

    • A clear understanding of when an objective will be put in a yellow or red status needs to be understood by each person for their objective.

    • All of the communication tools need to be explained, and previous to the kick off meeting a check list needs to be completed that shows all that all of the team members have access to all of the communication tools that will be used and that they have access to the tools that will be used to track the status of the project.

    • Reporting needs to be explained:

      • Exactly who needs to do exactly what

      • Where, When, and How each report should be submitted.

      • Clarify that reporting accurately and on time will be reflected in the overall
        rating of whether or not a team or agent met the expectation for the

    • Any potential issues need to be noted for review later. Each team lead and agent that is responsible for an objective should have the opportunity to list any areas that need to have special attention paid to them.

    • The next group project review meeting should be scheduled.

    • Objective review meetings should be scheduled.

  • After the kick off meeting the PC will play the roll of monitor making sure that
    all the tasks stay on task, and moving any objective to yellow or red status.

  • If an objective moves to yellow or red then the PC needs to determine whether to
    bring in new team members to complete that objective or exactly what needs to be done to get the objective back to green status.

  • The PC will also work with the Supervising Architect to determine if a project needs to go on hold to be reviewed or re-designed.

  • Objective Owners can be Solo Agents or Team leaders who are responsible for delivering an objective but rely on others to help them accomplish this.

  • Teams can be made up of a group of Level 20 Agents (called an ‘in house’ team,)
    or the team could consist of a group that the Team leader is in charge of, and who are not members of Level 20. (called an ‘outsourced’ team.)

    • If the team is made up of Level 20 Agents, then the rewards for that team should be defined in the design document.

    • If the team is made up of non Level 20 Agents, then the rewards for that team are determined by the Team Leader, and only the Team Leader or the company he represents will receive the rewards from Level 20.

    • If a Level 20 agent is working in an outsourced team the agent’s reward for that objective, will not be defined in the design document. The agent CAN still work on other in hose teams or operate as a Solo agent as long as the agent can meet the time commitment requirements.

  • Objective Owners are responsible to make sure that the objective stays in the green status.

  • Objective Owners are responsible for accurately and promptly reporting status via the reporting tools. Also regular communication between objective owners and team members is encouraged via the communication tools provided by Level 20.

* Inactive status - When a project goes from inactive back to active, the whole process is started new. A new design document will be created for the re activated project. All the roles are filled just like they would be if it was a new project. Many or all of the roles may be filled by new agents. The original teams would still need to be rewarded for any work from the old project that was used in the new reactivate project. The new design document would include the provision from the old project design document that lists how the reward will be distributed to the old project members for work that is used in the new project. What ever gets used from the
old project should be listed in the new design document. The distribution of the reward to old project members should be defined in the new document as well.

** Point Value – the more Critical a task the better the opportunity to earn a bonus of course the opposite is true in that if expectations of time lines are failed, the penalties are worse.

A Critical task at normal value would get either 5 or 6 points. (positive or negative)

A Normal task at normal value would get either 3 or 4 points. (positive or negative)

A Non Critical task at normal value would get either 1 or 2 points. (positive or negative)

In the Design Documnet the objectives will be defined as High Value - Normal Value - Less Value - objectives. Depending on the value of the task, a point can be added (high value), no change - (normal Value) or Subtracted (Less Value.)

-to be continued and refined- by Wade Hone – Saturday November 18, 2006 6:42 am. --

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Success on the Road

I'm in a hotel in Coerd'lene Idaho (which ever weird way it is that you spell it, it's still up here in the beautiful northern part of Idaho.)

on the day be for I came here for this 3 day conference, where I planed on, (and am currently,) hosting a booth for displaying our products and services, I started to get a cold. On the trip up, it bore fruit, and today, I went to the conference barely able to speak in anything other than a whisper.

Yes I had lost my voice. So to start my topic, about success on the road, I would recommend that you go healthy. Alas, if you can not go healthy, still go, as I'm finding that my presence is definitely better in my present condition, than had I not come at all.

Go prepared, that's another good tip, and I think that we did fairly well on that front. Nice display, plenty of candy for folks to snag on to, and a big stack of business cards.

(once again, I'll mention .. Bring Candy.. Average attendee has a sweet tooth, or at the least, appreciates the offer.)

Watch other's displays for ideas. I saw someone that was running a video, no sound, I was wondering how that would work, and in my mind I had it as a big display behind me, however after seeing this fellows in action, I have to say I like his idea. It's a small TV on the table, that plays in the background that displays his product in action. Well done, yet HE is still the main thing at the booth, and it's not intrusive for him to be talking to his customers and turn as a reference to the video. It's a short thing, maybe 5 mins that loops over and over. (on mine, I'd add words ala power point presentation, but I like the small size and the no sound option.)

Get Contact info.! Get good at remembering names, and where they are from, take a small note book that you can jot down name, where they are from, and a quick note about your conversation so you can talk with them later.

Stay friendly. From watching people, this group in particular, I can see that they are out of their element, at a new place with lots of new people. They are looking for a friendly face to connect with. A Smile and a wave is a great way to make friends, and I have no doubt that many good sales relationships will develop out of that as well.

If it gets slow, visit other booths, if it's not slow, stick around your booth as people may want to talk to you. Other Booth owners are a great source of marketing info.. How do they do it, what do they do, how to they greet their potential clients, and what 'hooks' do they offer to get people to give them more than a passing glance. - but don't forget to keep your base covered.... You may miss an important contact. Check out your competition... Sometimes they aren't really as evil as you first thought.

Enjoy the food... Enjoy the company... You need to be having fun so you can stay in a positive upbeat mood for those that your working with.

Hmm, I'm sure there is more, but then again, there is always tomorrow. Wish me luck on getting my voice back... I'm sure I'd be making a better impression if I didn't have to whisper every thing or squeak my words out to potential customers.

Oh... Final tip... If rich enough, hire a booth babe... The one booth that had a girl in it seemed to always have folks there to chat with her. ;'-)

Wade -out.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Accountability and Personal Success Defined

2-13-08 ( a Re-Write of my original ramblings from 11-05-06.)

Accountability. The dictionary definition reads:

“the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.”

The dictionary listed a second definition when the word is applied to educators:

“a policy of holding schools and teachers accountable for students' academic progress by linking such progress with funding for salaries, maintenance, etc. “

I appreciate the second definition of the word, as I think it helps to explain a larger concept of accountability. The concept being that being accountable means that there is a cost to failing.

In many situations there is a social cost. If a father fails in his responsibility to his children to raise and protect them, by abandoning his responsibility, then in society he is looked down upon. One of the ‘costs’ of his failure is his standing in society. Of course there are many other costs associated with this particular failure as well, and unfortunately children often are the ones to suffer because of it.

This social paycheck is quite powerful. Most people are motivated by the respect and admiration that they gain as they increase their financial holdings or position in work or even political position in government. The motivation that a person draws from increasing his status in society varies from person to person.

Most every one, if they stop to think about it for a moment, can think of someone else, or some social group where they would like to be respected and though highly of. This may, (and should,) include a spouse and other family members. For most people even old acquaintances, and to varying degrees even perfect strangers can elicit at least some desire to be respected and thought highly of by them.

There are of course many other ‘paychecks’ that can be used to motivate a person to be accountable. One motivator is of course an actual paycheck that you bring home from your job. That money helps to motivate employees to fulfill their duties at work.

Another paychecks or reward that can be used as motivator is ‘Self Accountability’. I’d like to define that as the reward (or cost,) of meeting (or failing,) the requirements of success that each individual sets for themselves. Every person’s standard for measuring what success means to them is different from every other person. Like a finger print, that ‘Success Standard’ helps to define who we are, and yet like a finger print, every persons definition will vary to at least some degree.

The social groups that a person belongs to will all have an impact on the definition of success for that person. If some one works at a job, belongs to a golf club, attends a church, and has an extended family that likes to stay close, then all of those social groups will impact the personal definition of success for that person. If they also participate in the community, in the PTA, or on a city counsel for example, those social groups will also play a part in how success is defined for that individual. The priority that the person puts on each of those influences will also play a part. For example – when there is a church meeting, a PTA meeting, a work responsibility and a daughters beauty pageant that all fall on the same night, where a person spends their time that evening will tend to define the priority that person places on each of those groups.

The main point is that every persons definition of success is different from every other persons, and there are thousands of influences on that definition.

This definition of success still exists even if it isn’t written down, or even consciously defined. All of those motivators from self, and the outside influence of the various social groups that people belong to all mix together to form a personal definition of success. On some level, a personal measurement is made against how they are succeeding or failing when compared against their internal definition of success.

I once read, though I can’t remember who wrote it, that;

“Every day a man should know whether he has won or lost.”

I completely agree with that.

The point that I am trying to make is the same point that the Greek’s and those that continue their discussions, have been chit chatting about for Eons.

“Temet Nosce!” And no less important, “Sui Juis”

(“Know Thyself” and “One’s Own Master”)

That personal definition of success is already a part of every person – those that can do a bit of introspection and dig it out to look at it, can then start to revise it to have a conscious impact on that definition of success. Instead of blindly letting some sub conscious ambiguously defined definition of success impact you on a continuing basis, a person that has taken the time to clearly define what success means to them, has a much better chance to actually attain it that some one that has not consciously clarified that definition.

Once you have that definition of personal success, you can begin to allocate your time accordingly. With conscious thought put into the definition you may see that things that seemed so important at work, that took so much time up, don’t really fit in to your true definition of success.

Something that happens if introspection doesn’t happen and success isn’t consciously defined for a person, is that it becomes easier for other peoples wills and desires to influence you.

To explain, lets take for example a man that has a job that has started requiring him to work late most every night and most weekends. If he hasn’t clearly defined all of the other areas that he wants to find success in, like family, church, local government (city council for example,) then it becomes easier for him to let the demands of the workplace take priority and soon, there is just not enough time for him to succeed in those other areas of his life that have importance. Some of those areas, like family, may be way up on the priority list when compared to his job, but they may suffer, if a conscious effort hasn’t been made to define the priorities.

Now, this same situation could occur and may even fall right in line with the plans of that person, but there is a difference when it is a planned sacrifice verses being led by another’s will. A person may actually plan to spend a few years really working hard to save up money for their family so that they may have a better life. Sacrifices on extracurricular activities might be made in order to achieve some goal or another. Personally I know of many families that have made sacrifices while a husband or wife finishes school in the hopes that those sacrifices will pay off in the long run and that the education will benefit them. The difference lies in the fact that they are all following a course of action that will help them to succeed at a very clearly defined goal.

Once that goal has been defined, there are many things that can be done to help to measure accountability. There is a book by Frank Bettcher that is very helpful to anyone in the sales industry. He defines several things that he did to help track his activities in sales that he says ‘raised himself from failure to success.’ I have several ideas on measuring accountability that I will save for another article.

For now, let me conclude with the sage advice I received from my father. He said;

“Write down your goals.”

He actually said a lot more on that subject, but that is the short and the sweet of it. I have found when I followed that advice, 9 times out of 10 I’ll achieve the goal I wrote down. If I just ‘think up’ a goal and let it float around in my brain, not captured by pen or paper, those odds really go down.

So, bottom line is this, if you will;


Think about all the areas in your life that you would like to succeed in. (introspection)


Prioritize those areas and clarify your personal definition of success.


Prioritize and write down the goals for each of those areas.

Here is what you will get:

You will have a much easier time achieving those goals because they are written down and you can focus on making choices that will help you succeed.

You will receive the hard to measure value of having a measuring stick to let you know whether you have won or whether you have lost each day. With that measure in place, you can start making choices about where to spend your time and efforts that will eventually turn each day into a win!

Best of all you will understand what it feels like succeeding at being accountable to yourself. When you are measuring up to your own definition of success that accounts for all of the variable in your life properly prioritized in order of importance and when you are succeeding at the goals set in each of those areas, the feeling is incredible!


Wade L. Hone

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Accountability - an important step to success.

Accountability, it’s an important part of life. I, by design, have created a lifestyle that has very little accountability in it, unless self imposed. I admit, that I have been lacking in the area of self imposed accountability.

I have many goals and aspirations that if I do not hold my self accountable to some standard, I shall sadly not achieve them.

Life is short; the days are ticking by at an alarming pace.

Tomorrow, I will design a brief ‘checklist’ that I will use to make a weekly report. I’ll use this forum as a place to report to. It is my belief, that this check list will play a key roll in the achievement of my success as an entrepreneur.

Wade Hone,

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