Thursday, November 09, 2006

Success on the Road

I'm in a hotel in Coerd'lene Idaho (which ever weird way it is that you spell it, it's still up here in the beautiful northern part of Idaho.)

on the day be for I came here for this 3 day conference, where I planed on, (and am currently,) hosting a booth for displaying our products and services, I started to get a cold. On the trip up, it bore fruit, and today, I went to the conference barely able to speak in anything other than a whisper.

Yes I had lost my voice. So to start my topic, about success on the road, I would recommend that you go healthy. Alas, if you can not go healthy, still go, as I'm finding that my presence is definitely better in my present condition, than had I not come at all.

Go prepared, that's another good tip, and I think that we did fairly well on that front. Nice display, plenty of candy for folks to snag on to, and a big stack of business cards.

(once again, I'll mention .. Bring Candy.. Average attendee has a sweet tooth, or at the least, appreciates the offer.)

Watch other's displays for ideas. I saw someone that was running a video, no sound, I was wondering how that would work, and in my mind I had it as a big display behind me, however after seeing this fellows in action, I have to say I like his idea. It's a small TV on the table, that plays in the background that displays his product in action. Well done, yet HE is still the main thing at the booth, and it's not intrusive for him to be talking to his customers and turn as a reference to the video. It's a short thing, maybe 5 mins that loops over and over. (on mine, I'd add words ala power point presentation, but I like the small size and the no sound option.)

Get Contact info.! Get good at remembering names, and where they are from, take a small note book that you can jot down name, where they are from, and a quick note about your conversation so you can talk with them later.

Stay friendly. From watching people, this group in particular, I can see that they are out of their element, at a new place with lots of new people. They are looking for a friendly face to connect with. A Smile and a wave is a great way to make friends, and I have no doubt that many good sales relationships will develop out of that as well.

If it gets slow, visit other booths, if it's not slow, stick around your booth as people may want to talk to you. Other Booth owners are a great source of marketing info.. How do they do it, what do they do, how to they greet their potential clients, and what 'hooks' do they offer to get people to give them more than a passing glance. - but don't forget to keep your base covered.... You may miss an important contact. Check out your competition... Sometimes they aren't really as evil as you first thought.

Enjoy the food... Enjoy the company... You need to be having fun so you can stay in a positive upbeat mood for those that your working with.

Hmm, I'm sure there is more, but then again, there is always tomorrow. Wish me luck on getting my voice back... I'm sure I'd be making a better impression if I didn't have to whisper every thing or squeak my words out to potential customers.

Oh... Final tip... If rich enough, hire a booth babe... The one booth that had a girl in it seemed to always have folks there to chat with her. ;'-)

Wade -out.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

good thoughts about conferences!

I hope you are feeling better!!
