Thursday, November 02, 2006

Accountability - an important step to success.

Accountability, it’s an important part of life. I, by design, have created a lifestyle that has very little accountability in it, unless self imposed. I admit, that I have been lacking in the area of self imposed accountability.

I have many goals and aspirations that if I do not hold my self accountable to some standard, I shall sadly not achieve them.

Life is short; the days are ticking by at an alarming pace.

Tomorrow, I will design a brief ‘checklist’ that I will use to make a weekly report. I’ll use this forum as a place to report to. It is my belief, that this check list will play a key roll in the achievement of my success as an entrepreneur.

Wade Hone,

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Anonymous said...

Hey man! I bet you didn't think I'd be reading this thing here, but I did!

Regarding accountability. You're right. If you don't put yourself accountable for any actions in your life, you simply won't be accountable for anything! Wierd eh?

Without being accountable for anything, how does one have the motivation to accomplish anything in this world? I'm not sure one can attain such motivation, without the motivation of one's self. Some other instances of motivation would probably be self happiness, someone else telling you that you need to finish this goal, something forcing you to finish it.

But, without self accountability it's hard to finish anything if at a wim you don't feel like doing it.

The only person who is going to care enough about your success in this world is yourself. If you don't do it yourself, no one else will. If you don't hold yourself accountable to attain that success, no one else will. You're an adult now, and your parents aren't here to guide you or force you to do something. So that motivation from isn't there either!

I'm glad you're identifying the things that are in your life that are holding you back. I've known you for around 12 years in the online gaming community in our guild and I can attest that you do not hold yourself accountable for many things, as you yourself have known for such a long time. You and your friends characterize you as a person who's flakey and wishy washy.

Now the truth of it is this. Do you want to be known as that kind of person? Or do you want to do something about it. A person who's successful isn't known for those types of things.

You do have very good qualities Wade. I admire you for many. Such as your kindness, and friendliness. Your ability to network, and your intellectual ideas that have a lot of potential. Now all that is left, is the motivation and accountability to put it all together and I know you will accomplish this. If you hold yourself accountable to make these personality traits happen, they will happen.

It's only a matter of time before they become you, and your mentality about life changes with you.

You're in my prayers bro. Keep in touch.

- Aztlan
John Paul Vergara

Wade Hone said...


good to see you post man, thanks!

your comments gave me a spring board to writ a whole bunch of stuff that I've had kicking around in my head for a while.

It got so long, I just made it as a separate thread. don't feel obligated to read it or anything heh, but thanks for being the spark that got me started.

zWolf / Wade -out.

Wade Hone said...

and ya, heh in the gaming community I tend to be a bit flaky flitting from one game to another and not really landing on one for very long. But you'll have to admit, I am pretty dedicated to 'gaming' in general eh?

so, ya, I'll give it to you that in the context of our gaming community I am a bit of a flake, but that's just because I easily let other priorities get in the way - work - family - friends add all that to me wanting to 'play them all' and flakey's what you get heh. You know what I'm talking about right? thats sort of how it's supposed to be though eh?

Wade -out.